The International Journal of Industrial Electronics, Control and Optimization (IECO) is an international peer-reviewed open-access quarterly journal devoted to the fields of industrial electronics, control and optimization, published by the University of Sistan and Baluchestan and is scientifically sponsored by the Iranian Association of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IAEEE). The International Journal of Industrial Electronics, Control and Optimization (IECO) publishes original research articles that present emerging trends and practices in industrial electronics product research and development. Its scope encompasses the applications of industrial electronics, power systems, control, optimization, and computational intelligence for the enhancement of industrial and manufacturing systems and processes. It is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to the publication of original articles, key insights, review articles, etc., considering the research ethics and academic rules and regulations.
The scope of the journal includes the following:
I. Industrial Electronics
- Low and high power converters
- Renewable energy
- Drive control techniques
- Techniques for advanced power semiconductor devices
- Power quality and utility applications
- Communications
- Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS)
- Control in power electronics
- Electromagnetic and thermal performance of electronic power converters
- Motion control, robotics, sensors, and actuators
- Fault detection and diagnosis
- Power systems
- Factory automation, communication, and computer networks
II. Control
- Adaptive control
- Control of process systems
- Control theory
- Data processing
- Design of control systems
- Hybrid systems
- Identification and observation
- Intelligent systems
- Model-predictive control
- Optimal control
- Robust control
- Fractional order systems
III. Optimization
- Ant Colony
- Chaos Theory
- Evolutionary Computing
- Fuzzy Computing
- Hybrid Methods
- Immunological Computing
- Neuro Computing
- Particle Swarm
- Probabilistic Computing
- Rough Sets
- Wavelet