Industrial Electronics
A New Multi-Input DC/DC Converter with Coupled and Switched Inductor applicable for Renewable Energy Sources

Gholamreza Mohebalizadeh; Hasan Alipour; Leila Mohammadian; Mehran Sabahi

Volume 5, Issue 4 , December 2022, , Pages 349-363

  To overcome the low output voltage of Renewable Energy Sources (RESs) such as photovoltaic arrays (PVAs) and fuel cells, a new multi-input DC/DC converter is presented in this paper. This converter is based on a combination of modified quadratic buck-boost converters, Switched Inductors (SIs), and Voltage ...  Read More

Industrial Electronics
Optimization of a New Extended Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Topology to Reduce DC Voltage Sources and Power Electronic Components

Roya Naderi; Ebrahim Babaei; Mehran Sabahi; Ali Daghigh

Volume 4, Issue 4 , November 2021, , Pages 465-474

  This work proposes a new multilevel inverter consisting of basic and submultilevel units. The basic unit is made-up of four isolated dc voltage sources, two bidirectional switches and ten unidirectional switches. To increase the number of the output voltage levels, a cascaded architecture based on series ...  Read More

Industrial Electronics
PWM Control Methods Based on Mathematical Equations for Z-Source Inverters

Taher Ahmadzadeh; Ebrahim Babaei; Mehran Sabahi; Taher Abedinzadeh

Volume 4, Issue 2 , April 2021, , Pages 167-179

  < p>In power converters, the total harmonic distortion (THD) can be decreased by using two strategies which are filtering and controlling methods. The filtering strategy is indeed costly because of using hardware devices (such as capacitor and inductor). A suitable strategy to control the modern ...  Read More

Industrial Electronics
An Improved Sliding Mode Controller for DC/DC Boost Converters Used in EV Battery Chargers with Robustness against the Input Voltage Variations

Gholamreza Mohebalizadeh; Hasan Alipour; Leila Mohammadian; Mehran Sabahi

Volume 4, Issue 2 , April 2021, , Pages 257-266

  Abstract- An Electric Vehicle Battery Charger (EVBC) faces serious challenges as continuous charging voltage ripple, charging speed, input voltage level variations, and its ability to adapt to the Battery State of Charge (BSOC). A proper controller has an important role to prepare all the mentioned above. ...  Read More