Power systems
A Robust Primary Frequency Response Constrained Unit Commitment considering Uncertain Frequency Support of Units

Mehrdad Manshor; Mahmood Joorabian; Afshin Lashkarara

Volume 5, Issue 3 , October 2022, , Pages 241-249


  Power management in microgrids is a major challenge due to its low total inertia and capacity. The lower the microgrid generation capacity is, the higher the share of each generation unit in total power will be, and the higher the frequency deviation in less time will be when an outage occurs. So, preventive ...  Read More

Power systems
Green Micro-Grid Operation Constrained to Reliability and Flexibility Indices in the Presence of Distributed Generations and Energy Storage Systems

Seyed Arman Shirmardi; Mahmood Joorabian; Hassan Barati

Volume 4, Issue 4 , November 2021, , Pages 397-407


  This paper presents microgrid (MG) operation constrained to the reliability, flexibility, and environment indices in the presence of distributed generations (DGs) and energy storage systems (ESSs). The proposed scheme minimizes the total expected operating cost of MGs and DGs. It is also subject to alternating ...  Read More

Power systems
Determining the Necessity and Timing of Controlled Islanding in Power System: a wide-area intelligent-based method

Hojatolah Makvandi; Mahmood Joorabian; Hassan Barati

Volume 4, Issue 3 , August 2021, , Pages 367-376


  The present study introduces a new extensive-area ANFIS (Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Interface System)-based method to detect wide area instability and control the time of controlled islanding execution within power systems. The ANFIS parameters are optimized by the PSO method to increase the method’s ...  Read More

Power systems
A Novel Complete Dynamic and Static Model of 48-Pulse VSC-based GUPFC for Parallel Transmission Lines

Mahyar Abasi; Mahmood Joorabian; Alireza Saffarian; Seyyed Ghodratollah Seifossadat

Volume 3, Issue 4 , September 2020, , Pages 447-457


  Generalized Unified Power Flow Controller (GUPFC) is a member of the flexible alternating current transmission system (FACTS) devices family that operates based on voltage source converter (VSC) and is known as the most efficient FACTs device. GUPFC can control the voltage of one bus and the active and ...  Read More

Power systems
Coordination of adaptive distance protection in transmission and wind farm collector lines under resistive fault conditions

Jamshid Barati; Seidghodratollah Seifossadat; Mahmood Joorabian

Volume 3, Issue 3 , July 2020, , Pages 223-234


  Distance relays calculate the path impedance between the fault point and the relay location by sampling the voltage and current at the relay location. By using the ratio of the impedance estimated by the relay to the impedance of the line where the relay is installed, the location of the fault can be ...  Read More

Power systems
Microgrid optimal scheduling considering normal and emergency operation

Ali Sefidgar-dezfouli; Mahmood Joorabian; Elaheh Mashhour

Volume 2, Issue 4 , October 2019, , Pages 279-288


  This paper deals with the optimal scheduling of a microgrid (MG) equipped with dispatchable distributed generators (DGs), renewable generators and electrical storages (batteries). A chance-constrained model is developed to handle normal operation and emergency conditions of MG including DG outage and ...  Read More