Industrial Electronics
A new topology of the switched-inductor/capacitor quasi Z-source inverter with ability of uplifted-boost

Alireza Karbalaei; Mohammad Mardaneh; Mokhtar Shasadeghi

Volume 3, Issue 1 , January 2020, , Pages 35-46

  In this paper, a new topology of switched-inductor/capacitor quasi impedance source inverter is suggested, which in comparison with the other topologies possesses higher boost voltage inversion at high modulation index and low shoot through duty cycle. Also, this topology has features like continuous ...  Read More

Industrial Electronics
Improved Symmetric Switched-Inductor/Capacitor Quasi Z-Source Inverter with Ability Uplifted-Boost

Alireza Karbalaei; Mohammad Mardaneh

Volume 3, Issue 1 , January 2020, , Pages 47-58

  This paper proposes a topology of switched-inductor/capacitor quasi z-source inverter (SIC-qZSI), which based on the classic qZSI. This topology is symmetric and has a high boost factor in the low duty cycle and high modulation index. Also, the low voltage stress on the capacitors and the low current ...  Read More