An Optimal Self-Tuning Fuzzy Tilted Integral Derivative Controller for Load Frequency Control of Multi-Interconnected Power Plants

Morteza Janfaza; Abbas-Ali Zamani

Volume 7, Issue 4 , December 2024, , Pages 267-279

  A new framework for controlling load frequency in a complex, interconnected power system with multiple sources has been developed. This framework combines a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) and a tilted integral derivative (TID) controller, creating a self-tuning fuzzy tilted integral derivative (STFTID) ...  Read More

Simultaneous Optimal Design of PID and MATMD Considering their Proposed Elevation Placement for Seismic Control of Tall Buildings on Soft Soil

Mohammad Shahi; Mohammad Reza Sohrabi; Sadegh Etedali; Abbas-Ali Zamani

Volume 6, Issue 4 , December 2023, , Pages 241-259

  This research proposes an innovative process to locate devices in elevation using structural results in uncontrolled and controlled (passive and active) states, considering Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) effects, especially for soft soil. Also, a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller with ...  Read More

Power systems
Using Improved DDAO Algorithm to Solve Economic Emission Load Dispatch Problem in the Presence of Wind Farms

Mehdi Shafiee; Abbas-Ali Zamani; Mehdi Sajadinia

Volume 6, Issue 3 , September 2023, , Pages 161-169

  In power systems planning, economic load dispatch considering the uncertainty of renewable energy sources is one of the most important challenges that researchers have been concerned about. Complex operational constraints, non-convex cost functions of power generation, and some uncertainties make it ...  Read More