Mohammad Shahi; Mohammad Reza Sohrabi; Sadegh Etedali; Abbas-Ali Zamani
This research proposes an innovative process to locate devices in elevation using structural results in uncontrolled and controlled (passive and active) states, considering Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) effects, especially for soft soil. Also, a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller with ...
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This research proposes an innovative process to locate devices in elevation using structural results in uncontrolled and controlled (passive and active) states, considering Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) effects, especially for soft soil. Also, a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller with active single and multiple control devices is used for tall buildings under earthquakes. In addition, the simultaneous and non-simultaneous tuning of the design parameters are examined. The results of applying PID with a Multiple Active Tuned Mass Damper (MATMD) compared with the Single-Active Tuned Mass Damper (SATMD) show that the proposed process of locating the control devices reduces responses significantly. It also reduces the computational efforts of the optimization noticeably. The results of the non-simultaneous tuning of design parameters in all states also indicate an increase in the instability potential of the structure compared with simultaneous tuning. On the other hand, the reduction of the Root Mean Square (RMS) of the responses compared with the uncontrolled state confirms the effective performance of the system during earthquakes. Therefore, this research helps researchers gain a new design vision of how to locate control devices in tall buildings without optimization calculations and how to set parameters in the presence of SSI effects.